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More than 622,000 people fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh when violence broke out in Myanmar Rakhine State. World Vision is distributing emergency food packages that have reached some 15,000 people in 3,000 vulnerable households since 24 September in Cox’s Bazar. Help us reach another 115,000 people with a two-week supply of emergency food aid. Help us to prevent worsening malnutrition among children.

As Dalits in rural Nepal, Samjhana and her family faced discrimination and limited opportunities in life as members from the lowest caste. They accepted that their fate was to be landless and till land in others’ fields for a living. One day, they received a goat and their life has never been the same! 

A combination of drought and conflict brews a dangerous recipe for a hunger crisis that leaves more than 25 million people in east Africa – South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia – in a fragile balance between life and death.

Severe and persistent drought has caused widespread deficits in water and pasture, contributing to declining livestock conditions, increased rate of disease outbreaks, rising mortalities and crop production losses.
