


Children in the Slums

You can bring hope to urban poor children who are often invisible in society and are exposed to exploitation such as child labour, child trafficking and live a life full of deprivations.

Give to Where Most Needed

Giving a general donation allows World Vision to channel contributions to areas that most lack funds, in order to meet the needs of the poor and needy.


Save and Protect the most vulnerable children. 
Together we can be their channel of hope and change their world​.

Global Hunger Response

Make way for a world where there is enough on every child's plate. Provide school lunches for hungry students, emergency meals for displaced children to vegetable seeds for families to grow their food supply.

Middle East Crisis Response

The escalation of violence in West Bank has led to damage to schools and homes, displacement and education disruption. Provide emergency items, psychosocial support and child-friendly safe spaces for the vulnerable children.

One Life Fund

Enable children in out-of-home care with special learning needs to have access to specialised learning support to cope with the demands of formal education in a manner sensitive to their learning and behavioural difficulties

We work with families, communities, and partners to address children's basic needs and achieve lasting change. Select one area of needs that you would like to give a gift of lasting impact.


Through World Vision's work, every 60 seconds...
a family gets water... a hungry child is fed... a family receives the tools to overcome poverty.