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In Singapore, we can work knowing that at the end of the day, we will get paid for our labour. What about families in broken economies? This Labour Day, let's remember those who work with no certainty of covering their basic needs. For them, the chance to start and grow a small business can change their world.

This Mother's Day, we salute the everyday heroes in our lives: Mothers. Find out how you can make Mother’s Day special for her, and extend the love to mothers and kids in warzones, as well as nurture your own kids into heroes for the less fortunate at our upcoming family event!

“As we enter the 8th year of this ruinous war in Syria, it is harrowing to hear of the alleged attacks in Douma,” says World Vision Syria Response Director, Wynn Flaten. Recent escalations in Eastern Ghouta and Douma have devastated families and children in Syria. Children are still trapped in Syria, exposed to violence and are at risk of severe injury. World Vision seeks your help to send aid to those still in Syria, as well as refugee children who have grown up in settlements around Syria. They still need your help. 
