As we celebrate our phase out in Uvurkhangai and hear powerful stories of transformation that has happened in the community, we asked sponsors to share their own personal sponsorship journies on social media. To make it even sweeter, we are giving sponsors who share their stories a chance to travel to Selenge, Mongolia with World Vision in 2020.
We are happy to see even more inspiring stories surfacing from this contest!
The contest closes on 30 June 2019. See how you can still participate with the details here.
In collaboration with leading market research companies, The Nielsen Company and IPSOS, we analysed over 250 programme reports covering a sample size of millions of people, and here are the results!
Hope is infectious, even healing. But in a world that’s often dark, what is there to be hopeful for? Here are 19 reasons to have hope in 2019 — and how to pray for the needs that remain!
Explore the lives of children and their families in challenging environments. And contribute in actionable ways to make a difference!
Welcome to World Vision! Your heart for children will enable us to bring lasting change in children’s lives. Let us guide you in your journey to partner us in our vision.