Rahila is 11. She lives in a traditional Afghan community where education for girls is often discouraged. Tremendous determination is needed to convince male family members to allow girls to attend school. Two of her sisters were married off when they were 14 and 16 years old.
Overnight, Khna Ny and his two brothers became orphans. The youngest of them was only three. All three were at high risk of malnutrition, and were on the verge of not receiving an education. But this did not have to be.
Have you ever found yourself at a loss when it comes to writing to your sponsored child? We’ve been there too, so we know just how it feels. Since writer’s block is not foreign to many child sponsors, we’re bringing you some tips and prompts to get your pen moving and that envelope filled!
Explore the lives of children and their families in challenging environments. And contribute in actionable ways to make a difference!
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