News and Updates

We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

World Vision Singapore announced today that Ms Lilian Chung will be stepping down as National Director, effective 1 July 2023. Mr Benjamin Tan will take over as the CEO for World Vision International’s Singapore branch office.

14-year-old teen has been selling in the streets for more than a year already. She shares that she encountered all kinds of danger while she was outside.

Access to clean water was the main challenge in Kaung's village. Due to unclean water, children often get sick of diarrhoea while adequate health facilities are in shortage.


From 29 to 30 May 2023, over 100 youths and young adults embarked on an exciting journey across Lazarus and Sentosa Islands at World Vision Singapore’s annual 30 Hour Famine Camp. This year, the 30 Hour Famine finally returned as an in-person day camp, and saw participants join in the signature 30 hour fast from food while completing team-based station activities aimed at increasing awareness and empathy of the struggles that children in vulnerable places face.

From 15-17 May 2023, Hwa Chong Humanities and Current Affairs Society hosted Hwa Chong One Day Without Shoes. This event aimed to raise awareness for marginalised and disadvantaged communities living amidst poverty and water shortage globally, especially amongst the students who may have been relatively more sheltered from these issues and concerns.
