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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

13-years old May is a registered child of World Vision Myanmar. She was adopted by her uncle and aunt because of her mother's poor health since she was young. Due to the country's political situation and the COVID-19 pandemic, her family completely lost their job, and is struggling to find food and continue her education.


The pandemic and political unrest in his country turned his life upside down. But Child Sponsorship helped him pull through, and now 16-year-old Doe is inspired to chase his dream to help children and individuals in his community.


The long-running conflict in this corner of South East Asia pops up occasionally in the news, but for the children living in Myanmar, it’s a daily reality that’s shaping their future. These 5 key numbers give a snapshot of what’s happening in Myanmar and how child sponsors are a lifeline to hope.

“When I heard about the closure of schools, I felt as if the world became dark on me because [the doors to] education, school and the future were closed for us,” says Yalda.* “And I thought I’ll not be able to follow my dream anymore.” In March 2022, Yalda, 18, arrived at school in Afghanistan after the winter holiday, excited to start her final year of high school. But instead, she was told to go home, and that she was not allowed in school. This was devastating for her. Not only has she been unable to complete her final year, It means her future is also on hold, as she cannot start university until her high education is completed.

The crisis in Sudan is driving South Sudanese refugees living in the country to return home, only to find themselves lost in troubled borders with no homes to return to and constantly living in fear of the unknowns. When we met, Ajang, 35, she was struggling bare-handed to set up a makeshift tent in the transit camp in Renk, a county in South Sudan’s Upper Nile region where most of the arrivals – Sudanese refugees and South Sudanese returnees – enter through one of South Sudan’s border points.
