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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

It is a blessing to be able to give

As a student welfare officer who has only recently started working, Joy has already embarked on her child sponsorship journey with a child, Gaspar. Taking it further, she went on a trip with World Vision to Ende, Indonesia to visit him.

“I also believe that whatever that we have is something that we can bless other people with,” she says.

As Dalits in rural Nepal, Samjhana and her family faced discrimination and limited opportunities in life as members from the lowest caste. They accepted that their fate was to be landless and till land in others’ fields for a living. One day, they received a goat and their life has never been the same! 

Dr Leslie Tay is not an unfamiliar face to many Singaporeans. As the man behind Singaporean food blog “ieatishootipost”, many people know that Dr Leslie Tay is a doctor and a gastronomic adventurer. But did you know that he is also World Vision child sponsor?

Global children’s charity World Vision is urging world leaders to join forces at the UN General Assembly and press for peace in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

More than 400,000 people have fled the conflict in neighbouring Bangladesh, with children and families caught up in violence and cross-fire. Refugees World Vision has interviewed in Bangladesh have reported witnessing abominable brutality and arson.

This is a trip like no other; insightful with first-hand experience in a gamut of development projects that range from water sanitation and healthcare to education and a glimpse of local life.
