News and Updates

We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

When you know yourself, and your capabilities, no barrier of hindrances is too big. Former sponsored child, Kit, shares how his life had a 180-degree shift after he became a sponsored child in a World Vision community. 

Despite the country's ethnic diversity, can you guess what the official language your sponsored child learns? 

On 17-18 December 2022, students and young adults from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam came together for the seventh edition of our annual Youth For Change Conference (YFCC), hosted at Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. The theme of the conference was “Peace Talks”, and was prompted by the recognition that many children worldwide have been affected directly or indirectly by conflict the past year, with crises in countries such as Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Ukraine drawing the most international attention.

From providing access to quality education by funding the construction of a preschool to sponsoring a child for every employee, this is Silicon Connection’s journey of making a difference in the lives of the vulnerable.   

More than 11 million people in East Africa are pushed to the edge of starvation. Of critical concern are 6.5 million vulnerable children suffering from malnutrition. World Vision Singapore will deploy giving machines at Great World and Parkway Parade from 1 November for a period of two months to rally for public donations, committing to raise $287,000 to support these communities with life-saving aid.
