Trip Reflections

My visit to the Area Development Programme (ADP) in Ende, Indonesia was my first trip with World Vision. It was very enriching for me because this was my first time learning more about how ADPs operate. The trip opened my eyes to the realities and challenges of implementing and sustaining ADPs, as well as the immense needs of the people. The activities that were part of our itinerary helped us learn more about the work being carried out by World Vision for the benefit of poor and vulnerable children and their families.

She showed up unannounced, with a bouquet of roses and a card... I hope that my visit to Vietnam has impacted her life like how it has impacted mine. 

It all began innocuously enough. I heard the familiar ping of another new email arriving in my inbox. I took a quick glance and saw it was from World Vision. It was about a trip to Kirivong Area Development Programme (ADP) in Cambodia from late February to early March 2017. So began my adventure…
