Trip Reflections

"The main takeaways I have from this trip is that service requires so much humility and patience. It is only when we humble ourselves to really learn and listen to the needs of the community that we can truly serve and be of value and help. This was truly an insightful and humbling experience for me. I am extremely blessed to witness every single individual's inspiring acts of love."

“It’s a blessing to connect with them regularly through letters and get their updates. These letters, and the connection I felt with my sponsored children, are what kept me going," shared Anna.

Covid-19 has caused major disruption to the world over the past couple of years. Organisations had to quickly rethink how they conducted their operations in order to comply with the latest Safe Management Measures, as well as how to stay relevant in the changing world. Likewise, the church has to evaluate how it can continue to participate in cross-cultural missions in light of Covid restrictions. When the opportunity to partner with World Vision in a Faith-in-Action Virtual trip to Cebu, Philippines arose, a team of 10 youths and young adults from Yio Chu Kang Chapel quickly jumped on board.
