Youth and Schools

Solang had been moving between Cambodian provinces with her parents for half her life. Instead of attending education, Solang had to work for a Chinese factory to support her family. However, all that changed when World Vision reached out to her family. Solang can now stay in her village and go to school, and study hard to work towards her aspirations. 

Too famished to concentrate, eight-year-old Moses shed tears in class. One of the many children suffering from drought in Kenya, he had to go for long hours without food and was overwhelmed by hunger pangs. Thankfully, his tears of hunger turned into showers of blessing after his story was featured on television, and World Vision intervened to change his life. 

As World Vision Singapore resumes in-person educational trips to the field, we look back at some of the unique learning experiences that students have had from visiting our Area Development Programmes (ADPs) and interacting with local community members and our field teams. In this blog post, three students from Eunoia Junior College share reflections on their visit to Taikkyi ADP and Hmawbi ADP in Myanmar.
