Christian Books

Pick up Christian books to support your ministry and discipleship needs with a love gift that will go towards Where Most Needed, our fund for addressing a variety of urgent child well-being needs that might otherwise go unmet. All book values below include postage for standard delivery in Singapore only. We are only able to accept orders for Singapore addresses.  

Youth & Young Adult Ministry 

From December 2018 to February 2019, over 15,000 youth and young adults, aged 18-35, from a variety of backgrounds in 25 countries, including Singapore, shared their perspectives on matters of faith, church, relationships, justice, and the future, as part of a groundbreaking body of research co-commissioned by World Vision and Barna Group, a leading research organisation focused on the intersection of faith and culture.

The global study, titled The Connected Generation, yielded a global report and a series of regional reports that provide a holistic analysis of how the outlook, experiences, and values of millennials and the leading edge of Generation Z should inform the church’s efforts to make in-roads with, disciple, and activate an emerging generation living in a digital, sceptical, and experiential age.

The global and regional reports are valuable companion resources. Find out how localised findings from South-east Asia compare to worldwide trends in key areas with this double report bundle.
This report summarises the findings from Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia to provide more localised insights uncovered by the global study. It contains full-colour analysis and infographics, and brief, user-friendly field guides to help you with refining your ministry plans.
This report contains full-colour analysis and infographics covering insights from all 25 countries. It provides a data-driven and reader-friendly examination of how we can minister more effectively to 18-35 year olds and how we can disciple them to put their faith in action.

Christian Living

Why are we here, what is our purpose, and where do we fit in the bigger story that God is writing? How should our faith affect our careers, our money, our families, and our lives? And why does it matter? In his follow-up to The Hole in Our Gospel, Richard Stearns, president emeritus of World Vision U.S., shows how we will find our deepest purpose and fill the emptiness in our lives only when we discover the unique role God created for us to play in His unfolding story.
This seminal work about our responsibility as Christians in ending global poverty demonstrates how wholehearted and sacrificial obedience to Christ can enable the church to be a radically transformative force in a world overrun with injustice, oppression, and poverty. It follows the story of Richard Stearns, president emeritus of World Vision U.S., who moved from being a corporate CEO, comfortable with worldly success, to answering God’s challenging call to help the world’s most vulnerable children.
This candid and humane biography of Bob Pierce, the founder of World Vision, offers a balanced and honest account of his personal struggles, and how God worked through him nonetheless to bring His love and transformation to people in desperate need around the world. The heartbreaking and inspiring experiences recounted by author Marilee Pierce-Dunker, the daughter of Bob Pierce, are an encouraging reminder of how God, in His grace and power, can use us to accomplish His great purposes.

Children & Families

This beautifully illustrated Bible storybook, which makes the perfect gift for children aged 8 or younger, presents familiar Bible stories alongside brief accounts and interesting facts about how children in need live in different parts of the world. It is a family-friendly bedtime reading companion that introduces young children to biblical events, to the way of life in other countries, and to the importance of empathy.